© Pint of Science, 2025. All rights reserved.

Romina Casadevall
Argentina Director
I have a PhD in Biology and work in the field of biotech-based companies’ creation. The biggest technology changes humanity will see in next decades will be more and more related to scientific developments so I think science has to become an everyday topic for everyone!

Eduardo Bessa
Brazil Director
I am a fish voyeur, a biologist specialized in fish reproductive behaviour. I truly believe people have the right to be informed about science, but, more importantly, to be enchanted by scientific knowledge.

Luiz Gustavo de Almeida
Brazil Director
I have a Ph.D. in Microbiology and fell in love with science watching Beakman's World. Through Pint of Science, I want to give people the same feelings I had when listening to a scientist, a giant rat and his assistant talking about the wonders of the universe from the science perspective.

Pierre Cassar
Ecuador director
Biology and Geology teacher from France, living in Quito. Degree obtained in Lyon, France, then worked 5 years in Paris where I first met Pint of Science! I’m opening the festival here for the first time in 2023. Can’t wait to see the result in Ecuador. Really think it will be amazing!
Ivette Buere
Mexico Director
Not a scientist but a firm believer in the importance of science and facts, especially in the times we're currently living in. Hoping to help bring back curiosity and the desire to learn in everyone.

Michelle Arredondo
Mexico Director
Chemist by profession, researcher by passion and teacher by conviction. I am currently working on developing nanotechnology projects to provide solutions to medical problems. Transmitting and doing science is my goal.

Claudia Ratti
US Director
I am a theoretical nuclear physicist from Italy, now faculty at the University of Houston. I want to make people passionate about physics and science in general, and I think Pint of Science is perfect for this! I am excited to bring it back to the USA.

Fanny Etienne
US Director
I am a neuroscientist from France and now in Los Angeles. I am fascinated by microglia cells (the most beautiful cells in the brain!) and their role during aging. Outside of the lab, I love climbing, hiking and sharing my passion about science ! I am so excited to bring Pint of Science back to the U…

Johannes Jahan
US Director
I am a postdoc in theoretical nuclear physics at University of Houston, coming from France. I have been involved in scientific outreach since I was a student, as much as bridging gaps between different fields have always been at the center of my research!