Let's Talk

Please fill in the form or email us [email protected]

To contact a specific country, please visit their website for contact details.

If you'd like to start Pint of Science in a new country please see details in 'Join us' below.

It’s all about people and making it happen. 

If you'd like to start Pint of Science in a new country then please sign up to this mailing list and we will contact you when the applications open (usually September to November each year).

If you do not hear back by December please assume that your application has not been successful* and that we have enough countries for the following year (all our events take place in the month of May).

*to start a new country we need 2-3 people to manage Pint of Science nationally, as well as enough applicants from your country. It will also depend on how much time and resources we have to support a new place.